EIP-1193: The Unsung Hero of Ethereum Development
The Power of Standards in Ethereum Development
You are likely building your SDK wrong if it accepts a string RPC URL parameter.
In the ever-evolving world of blockchain technology, standards are the unsung heroes that keep our digital universe from descending into chaos. They’re the silent guardians of interoperability, the champions of frictionless development. Among these standards, EIP-1193 stands out as the most successful, yet most underutilized EIP for JavaScript.
EIP-1193 is a key design principle of Tevm, Viem, Ponder and many other OSS libraries and it should be of yours too.
Imagine building a LEGO masterpiece where every set has slightly different brick sizes. Frustrating, right? That’s Ethereum development without EIP-1193. With it, every piece fits perfectly. Let’s explore why this standard is revolutionizing blockchain development.
So, what does a typical SDK often look like? It might resemble something like this:
class LegacySDK { constructor(rpcUrl) { this.rpcUrl = rpcUrl; }
async getBalance(address) { const response = await fetch(this.rpcUrl, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_getBalance', params: [address, 'latest'], id: 1, }), }); return await response.json(); }}
This might look harmless at first glance, but we’ll circle back to refactoring this SDK later to show you how EIP-1193 can dramatically improve its flexibility and power.
Demystifying EIP-1193: The Standard Powering JavaScript Software Pluggability
At its core, EIP-1193 is a standardized interface for Ethereum providers in JavaScript applications. It’s like a universal remote control for your Ethereum interactions. The heart of EIP-1193 is the request
function, your gateway to the Ethereum blockchain for sending JSON-RPC requests and listening for critical events.
Let’s see EIP-1193 in action:
import { createMemoryClient } from 'tevm';import { http } from 'viem';
const eip1193ForkTransport = http('https://mainnet.optimism.io')({});const tevmClient = createMemoryClient({ fork: { transport: eip1193ForkTransport }}) satisfies EIP1193Provider;
tevmClient.on('connect', () => console.log('Blockchain connection established. Ready for action!'));
const balance = await tevmClient.request({ method: 'eth_getBalance', params: ['0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678', 'latest'],});
await tevmClient.request({ method: 'anvil_setBalance', params: ['0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678', '0xDE0B6B3A7640000'], // 1 ETH});
Pretty simple, right? This example demonstrates the power of EIP-1193 in orchestrating various blockchain interactions through a single, consistent interface. It uses the HTTP transport from Viem, a powerful Ethereum library that fully embraces EIP-1193, and the MemoryClient from Tevm, showcasing the interoperability that EIP-1193 enables.
It might be simple but we will quickly see why the future of Tevm embraces the idea of layering many of these EIP-1193 providers to provide advanced functionality.
The EIP-1193 Advantage: Flexibility, Composability, and Future-Proofing
EIP-1193 offers several key benefits:
- Unparalleled Flexibility: Seamlessly switch between different transports without rewriting core logic.
- Composability at Its Finest: Mix and match tools and libraries with ease.
- Future-Proof Your Code: Adapt to new features with minimal code changes as the Ethereum ecosystem evolves.
Now, let’s revisit our LegacySDK example and see why it falls short:
- It’s tightly coupled to a specific RPC URL, making it difficult to switch between different networks or providers.
- It doesn’t support alternative transport methods like WebSockets or IPC.
- It lacks standardization, making it harder to integrate with other tools in the ecosystem.
- It doesn’t provide an easy way to handle events or subscriptions.
Let’s see how we can refactor this SDK to leverage the power of EIP-1193:
// Refactored EIP-1193 compatible SDKtype EIP1193Provider = { request: (args: { method: string; params?: any[] }) => Promise<any>;};
class ImprovedSDK implements EIP1193Provider { private transport: EIP1193Provider;
constructor(transport: EIP1193Provider) { this.transport = transport; }
async request({ method, params }: { method: string; params?: any[] }): Promise<any> { return this.transport.request({ method, params }); }
async getBalance(address: string): Promise<string> { const result = await this.request({ method: 'eth_getBalance', params: [address, 'latest'], }); return result; }
async setBalance(address: string, balance: string): Promise<void> { await this.request({ method: 'anvil_setBalance', params: [address, balance], }); }}
// Usage exampleimport { http } from 'viem';
const transport = http('https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR_API_KEY');const sdk = new ImprovedSDK(transport);
const balance = await sdk.getBalance('0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678');await sdk.setBalance('0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678', '0xDE0B6B3A7640000'); // 1 ETH
This refactored SDK demonstrates the power of EIP-1193:
- It accepts any EIP-1193 compatible transport, not just a URL string.
- The SDK itself implements the EIP-1193 interface, making it composable with other tools.
- It maintains high-level methods (
) while exposing the flexiblerequest
method. - Switching between different transports (HTTP, WebSocket, IPC) becomes trivial.
By adopting EIP-1193, we’ve transformed a rigid, single-purpose SDK into a flexible, composable tool that can easily adapt to different Ethereum environments and future changes in the ecosystem. By implementing JSON-RPC it could run on the server or be a transport of any other tool that takes an EIP-1193 provider.
Preview of Future: Building an Optimistic Transport
The future of Tevm is to offer even more EIP-1193 providers that layer on top of each other to create optimal user ux with regard to safety and performance. We will show both what we can do already today as well as this future.
To showcase EIP-1193’s potential, let’s create a custom transport handling optimistic updates. We’ll use Ponder’s loadBalance
and rateLimit
transports, which can significantly optimize performance in Ethereum interactions:
import { custom, http } from 'viem';import { createMemoryClient } from 'tevm';import { TxFactory } from 'tevm/tx'import { loadBalance, rateLimit } from '@ponder/core';
const createHttpTransport = () => loadBalance([ rateLimit(http('https://cloudflare-eth.com'), { requestsPerSecond: 75 }), rateLimit(http('https://eth-mainnet.public.blastapi.io'), { requestsPerSecond: 75 }),]);
class OptimisticTransport { private httpTransport: ReturnType<typeof createHttpTransport>; private tevmClient: ReturnType<typeof createMemoryClient>; private pendingTxs: any[] = []; private processedPendingTxs: any[] = [];
constructor() { this.httpTransport = createHttpTransport(); this.tevmClient = this.createTevmClient(); }
private createTevmClient() { return createMemoryClient({ fork: { transport: this.httpTransport } }); }
async request(request: { method: string; params: any[] }) { const { method, params } = request;
switch (method) { case 'eth_sendRawTransaction': return this.handleSendTransaction(request); case 'eth_getTransactionReceipt': return this.handleGetTransactionReceipt(params[0]); case 'eth_call': return params[1] === 'pending' ? this.handlePendingCall(request) : this.httpTransport.request(request); default: return this.httpTransport.request(request); } }
private async handleSendTransaction(request: any) { this.pendingTxs.push(request); this.tevmClient = this.createTevmClient(); await this.tevmClient.ready(); this.pendingTxs.push(...this.processedPendingTxs); this.processedPendingTxs = []; return this.httpTransport.request(request); }
private async handleGetTransactionReceipt(txHash: string) { const receipt = await this.httpTransport.request({ method: 'eth_getTransactionReceipt', params: [txHash] }); if (receipt) { this.removeTxFromArrays(txHash); } return receipt; }
private async handlePendingCall(request: any) { await this.processPendingTransactions(); await this.tevmClient.mine(); return this.tevmClient.request(request); }
private async processPendingTransactions() { for (const pendingTx of this.pendingTxs) { await this.tevmClient.request(pendingTx); this.moveTxToProcesed(pendingTx); } }
private moveTxToProcesed(tx: any) { const index = this.pendingTxs.indexOf(tx); if (index !== -1) { const [removedTx] = this.pendingTxs.splice(index, 1); this.processedPendingTxs.push(removedTx); } }
private removeTxFromArrays(txHash: string) { this.removeTxFromArray(this.pendingTxs, txHash); this.removeTxFromArray(this.processedPendingTxs, txHash); }
private removeTxFromArray(array: any[], txHash: string) { const index = array.findIndex(tx => { const txObject = TxFactory.fromSerializedData(tx.params[0]); return txObject.hash() === txHash; }); if (index !== -1) { array.splice(index, 1); } }}
const optimisticTransport = custom({ request: new OptimisticTransport().request.bind(new OptimisticTransport())});
This implementation showcases advanced concepts like load balancing, rate limiting, optimistic updates, and state simulation, all encapsulated within the EIP-1193 request
function. Ponder’s transport utilities (loadBalance
and rateLimit
) are key here, demonstrating how EIP-1193 compatibility enables the creation of highly optimized and flexible blockchain interactions. By balancing requests across multiple endpoints and controlling request rates, we can significantly enhance performance and reliability in high-load scenarios.
Cross-Chain Potential: EIP-1193 Beyond Ethereum
EIP-1193’s principles can be extended to facilitate cross-chain development:
type TransportRequestParams = { method: string; params?: any; chainId?: number;};
type JsonRpcResponse = { jsonrpc: string; result?: any; error?: { code: number; message: string }; id: number;};
type Transport = { request: (params: TransportRequestParams) => Promise<any>;};
type TransportMap = { [chainId: number]: Transport };
interface Options { defaultChainId?: number;}
export function multiTransport( transportOrMap: Transport | TransportMap, options?: Options): Transport { return { async request({ method, params, chainId }: TransportRequestParams): Promise<JsonRpcResponse> { const chain = chainId ?? options?.defaultChainId ?? 1; const isSingleTransport = typeof (transportOrMap as Transport).request === 'function';
try { const transport = isSingleTransport ? (transportOrMap as Transport) : (transportOrMap as TransportMap)[chain];
if (!transport) throw new Error(`Transport not found for chainId: ${chain}`);
const response = await transport.request({ method, params: { ...params, chainId: chain } }); return response; } catch (error) { return { jsonrpc: '2.0', error: { code: -32603, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }, id: 1, }; } }, };}
This approach enables chain-agnostic development via adding a chainId property and progressive enhancement for rpcs that do and do not supporting it. If this became an actual standard this transport allows you to use it without breaking users using legacy rpcs, showcasing the versatility of Viem’s transport system.
Beyond the Basics: Additional Benefits of EIP-1193
EIP-1193 offers several other advantages:
- Improved Testing and Mocking: Easier creation of mock providers for robust testing.
- Stable APIs: Reduces the need for breaking changes as the ecosystem evolves.
- Enhanced Security: Clear, auditable API surface simplifies security measures.
- Inter-App Communication: Facilitates standardized communication in mini-app ecosystems.
The Road Ahead: EIP-1193 and the Future of Ethereum Tooling
As blockchain technology advances, EIP-1193 is set to play a pivotal role. It paves the way for innovations like light client integration and faster local execution, shaping the future of decentralized applications.
Your EIP-1193 Journey Starts Now
EIP-1193 is more than a technical standard; it’s a paradigm shift in Ethereum development if all JS libraries embrace it to it’s fullest. It unlocks a world of composable, flexible, and future-proof blockchain interactions. Whether you’re building complex DeFi systems or exploring Web3, EIP-1193 is your key to cutting-edge Ethereum development.
Start by refactoring an existing project to use an EIP-1193 provider. Embrace this standard in both your internal and external library code to fully leverage its power.
Remember, in blockchain development, standards like EIP-1193 aren’t just guidelines – they’re superpowers that elevate your capabilities as a developer.
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