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Getting Started with Ethers.js

This guide shows you how to use Tevm Node with ethers.js, allowing you to leverage Tevm's powerful features with the ethers library you already know.


Install Dependencies

First, install Tevm and ethers as dependencies:

bash npm install tevm ethers@latest
bash pnpm add tevm ethers@latest
bash yarn add tevm ethers@latest
bash bun add tevm ethers@latest

Create Tevm Client

Set up your Tevm client and enable the EIP-1193 interface:

import { createMemoryClient, http } from "tevm";
import { optimism } from "tevm/chains";
import { requestEip1193 } from "tevm/decorators";
// Create a client (optionally forking from a network)
const client = createMemoryClient({
  fork: {
    transport: http(""),
    common: optimism,
// Enable EIP-1193 compatibility for ethers
await client.tevmReady();

Connect Ethers

Create an ethers provider that uses your Tevm node:

import { BrowserProvider, Wallet } from "ethers";
// Create ethers provider using the Tevm node
const provider = new BrowserProvider(client.transport.tevm);
// Create a new wallet or connect an existing one
const signer = Wallet.createRandom().connect(provider);
// Fund the wallet using Tevm's direct state modification
await client.setBalance({
  address: signer.address,
  value: 1000000000000000000n, // 1 ETH

Start Using Ethers

You're now ready to use ethers.js with Tevm's local environment:

// Check the current block
const blockNumber = await provider.getBlockNumber();
console.log(`Current block: ${blockNumber}`);
// Check your wallet balance
const balance = await provider.getBalance(signer.address);
console.log(`Wallet balance: ${balance.toString()}`);

Complete Example

The following example demonstrates how to use ethers.js with Tevm to interact with a contract:

import { createMemoryClient, http, parseAbi } from "tevm";
import { optimism } from "tevm/chains";
import { requestEip1193 } from "tevm/decorators"; 
import { BrowserProvider, Wallet, Contract, formatEther } from "ethers";
import { parseUnits } from "ethers/utils";
// Step 1: Create a memory client forking from Optimism
const client = createMemoryClient({
  fork: {
    transport: http(""),
    common: optimism,
// Step 2: Enable EIP-1193 compatibility for ethers 
await client.tevmReady();
// Step 3: Set up ethers provider and wallet
const provider = new BrowserProvider(client.transport.tevm);
const signer = Wallet.createRandom().connect(provider);
// Verify connectivity by getting the block number
const blockNumber = await provider.getBlockNumber();
console.log(`Current block number: ${blockNumber}`);
// Step 4: Set up contract interaction 
const greeterContractAddress = "0x10ed0b176048c34d69ffc0712de06CbE95730748"; 
const greeterAbi = parseAbi([
  "function greet() view returns (string)",
  "function setGreeting(string memory _greeting) public",
const greeter = new Contract(greeterContractAddress, greeterAbi, signer);
// Helper functions for cleaner interaction
const getGreeting = async () => await greeter.greet();
const setGreeting = async (newGreeting) => {
  const tx = await greeter.setGreeting(newGreeting);
  return tx.hash;
// Step 5: Fund our wallet (using Tevm's test actions)
await client.setBalance({
  address: signer.address,
  value: parseUnits("1.0", "ether"),
  `Wallet funded with: ${formatEther(await provider.getBalance(signer.address))} ETH`,
// Step 6: Read current greeting
console.log(`Original greeting: ${await getGreeting()}`);
// Step 7: Update the greeting 
const txHash = await setGreeting("Hello from ethers.js and Tevm!"); 
console.log(`Transaction sent: ${txHash}`);
// Step 8: Mine the block to include our transaction
await client.mine({ blocks: 1 });
// Step 9: Verify the updated greeting
console.log(`Updated greeting: ${await getGreeting()}`);
Understanding the Code

The integration between Tevm and ethers.js happens through these key components:

EIP-1193 Decorator

// Enable EIP-1193 standard provider interface

The requestEip1193() decorator transforms Tevm's internal interface into the standard provider interface that ethers.js expects. This crucial bridge allows the two libraries to communicate seamlessly.

Provider Creation

// Create ethers provider using the Tevm node
const provider = new BrowserProvider(client.transport.tevm);

Ethers accepts the decorated Tevm node as a standard Ethereum provider, allowing all ethers functionality to work as expected.

Hybrid API Approach

The example demonstrates a hybrid approach:

  • Ethers API for contract interaction (Contract, provider, signer)
  • Tevm API for blockchain control (client.setBalance(), client.mine())

This gives you the best of both worlds - familiar ethers.js contract interaction with Tevm's powerful state control.

Mining Control

// Mine the block to include our transaction
await client.mine({ blocks: 1 });

Unlike when using real networks with ethers, you need to explicitly mine blocks with Tevm to include transactions. This gives you precise control over transaction execution timing.

Common Patterns

Contract Deployment

Here's how to deploy a new contract using ethers.js with Tevm:

import { createMemoryClient } from "tevm";
import { requestEip1193 } from "tevm/decorators";
import { BrowserProvider, Wallet, ContractFactory, formatEther } from "ethers";
// Set up Tevm and ethers
const client = createMemoryClient();
await client.tevmReady();
const provider = new BrowserProvider(client.transport.tevm);
const signer = Wallet.createRandom().connect(provider);
// Fund the signer
await client.setBalance({
  address: signer.address,
  value: 10000000000000000000n, // 10 ETH
  `Wallet funded with: ${formatEther(await provider.getBalance(signer.address))} ETH`,
// Contract ABI and bytecode
const counterAbi = [
  "function count() view returns (uint256)",
  "function increment() public",
const counterBytecode =
// Deploy contract
const counterFactory = new ContractFactory(counterAbi, counterBytecode, signer);
const counterDeploy = await counterFactory.deploy();
  `Deployment transaction: ${counterDeploy.deploymentTransaction().hash}`,
// Mine to include the deployment transaction
await client.mine({ blocks: 1 });
// Get contract at deployed address
const counter = await counterDeploy.waitForDeployment();
const counterAddress = await counter.getAddress();
console.log(`Counter deployed at: ${counterAddress}`);
// Use the contract
console.log(`Initial count: ${await counter.count()}`);
const tx = await counter.increment();
console.log(`Increment transaction: ${tx.hash}`);
await client.mine({ blocks: 1 });
console.log(`New count: ${await counter.count()}`);

Reading and Writing Contract Data

Interact with an existing contract using ethers.js:

import { createMemoryClient, http, parseAbi } from "tevm";
import { mainnet } from "tevm/chains";
import { requestEip1193 } from "tevm/decorators";
import {
} from "ethers";
// Setup client with a mainnet fork
const client = createMemoryClient({
  fork: {
    transport: http(""),
    common: mainnet,
await client.tevmReady();
// Setup provider and wallet
const provider = new BrowserProvider(client.transport.tevm);
const signer = Wallet.createRandom().connect(provider);
// Fund the wallet
await client.setBalance({
  address: signer.address,
  value: 100000000000000000000n, // 100 ETH
// Connect to USDC contract
const usdcAddress = "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48";
const usdcAbi = parseAbi([
  "function name() view returns (string)",
  "function symbol() view returns (string)",
  "function decimals() view returns (uint8)",
  "function totalSupply() view returns (uint256)",
  "function balanceOf(address owner) view returns (uint256)",
const usdc = new Contract(usdcAddress, usdcAbi, provider);
// Read-only operation
const [name, symbol, decimals, totalSupply] = await Promise.all([,
console.log(`Contract: ${name} (${symbol})`);
console.log(`Decimals: ${decimals}`);
console.log(`Total Supply: ${formatUnits(totalSupply, decimals)} ${symbol}`);
// Check DAI's USDC balance
const daiAddress = "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F";
const daiUsdcBalance = await usdc.balanceOf(daiAddress);
  `DAI contract's USDC balance: ${formatUnits(daiUsdcBalance, decimals)} ${symbol}`,

Working with Events

Listen for and query contract events:

import { createMemoryClient } from "tevm";
import { requestEip1193 } from "tevm/decorators";
import { BrowserProvider, Wallet, Contract, formatUnits } from "ethers";
import { parseAbi } from "tevm";
// Setup
const client = createMemoryClient();
await client.tevmReady();
const provider = new BrowserProvider(client.transport.tevm);
const signer = Wallet.createRandom().connect(provider);
// Fund account
await client.setBalance({
  address: signer.address,
  value: 10000000000000000000n,
// Deploy a simple ERC20 token
const tokenAbi = parseAbi([
  "constructor(string name, string symbol, uint8 decimals)",
  "function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) returns (bool)",
  "function balanceOf(address owner) view returns (uint256)",
  "event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)",
const tokenBytecode =
const tokenFactory = new ContractFactory(tokenAbi, tokenBytecode, signer);
const token = await tokenFactory.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18);
await client.mine({ blocks: 1 });
const tokenAddress = await token.getAddress();
console.log(`Token deployed at: ${tokenAddress}`);
// Set up event listener
token.on("Transfer", (from, to, value, event) => {
  console.log(`Transfer detected in block ${event.blockNumber}:`);
  console.log(`  From: ${from}`);
  console.log(`  To:   ${to}`);
  console.log(`  Value: ${formatUnits(value, 18)} TST`);
// Send a transfer transaction
const recipient = Wallet.createRandom().address;
const tx = await token.transfer(recipient, 1000000000000000000n); // 1 TST
console.log(`Transfer transaction: ${tx.hash}`);
// Mine to include transaction
await client.mine({ blocks: 1 });
// Check balance
const balance = await token.balanceOf(recipient);
console.log(`Recipient balance: ${formatUnits(balance, 18)} TST`);
// Clean up event listener

Key Differences from Standard Ethers Usage

When using ethers.js with Tevm, keep these key differences in mind:

  1. Transaction Flow
    • Real Network: Transactions are mined by the network automatically
    • Tevm: You must manually call client.mine() to process transactions
  2. Account Management
    • Real Network: Accounts have real funds and nonces
    • Tevm: Create and fund accounts on demand with client.setBalance()
  3. Environment Control
    • Real Network: Limited ability to manipulate state, block time, etc.
    • Tevm: Complete control over all aspects of the environment
  4. Performance
    • Real Network: Operations require network calls and confirmations
    • Tevm: All operations happen locally with near-instant execution
  5. Debugging Capabilities
    • Real Network: Limited visibility into transaction execution
    • Tevm: Step-by-step EVM tracing and execution insights
  6. Determinism
    • Real Network: Network conditions can affect execution
    • Tevm: 100% deterministic execution for reliable testing

Advanced Features

EVM State Control

Take advantage of Tevm's state manipulation with ethers:

// Fund an account
await client.setBalance({
  address: "0x123...",
  value: parseUnits("1000", "ether"),
// Set storage directly
await client.setStorageAt({
  address: contractAddress,
  index: 0, // Storage slot
  value: "0x1234...",
// Adjust block timestamp
await client.setNextBlockTimestamp(;

Contract Debugging

Debug ethers transactions with Tevm's EVM hooks:

// Get underlying Tevm node for advanced operations
const tevmNode = await client.getTevmNode();
const vm = await tevmNode.getVm();
// Listen to EVM execution steps"step", (data, next) => {
  console.log(`EVM Step: ${}`);
// Now run a transaction with ethers as normal
// You'll see detailed logs of each EVM step

Fork Management

Work with mainnet contracts in your test environment:

// Reset to a clean fork state
await client.reset({
  fork: {
    blockNumber: 42069n,
    transport: http(""),
// After reset, your ethers provider still works
// but with the newly reset chain state

Next Steps

Now that you know how to use ethers.js with Tevm, you can: