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EVM Events

Tevm Node provides access to low-level EVM events, allowing you to monitor and debug contract execution at a granular level.

Available Events

type EVMEvent = {
  // Emitted when a new contract is created
  newContract: (data: {
    address: Address, // Contract address
    code: Uint8Array  // Contract bytecode
  }, next?: () => void) => void
  // Emitted before a message (call) is processed
  beforeMessage: (data: Message, next?: () => void) => void
  // Emitted after a message (call) is processed
  afterMessage: (data: EVMResult, next?: () => void) => void
  // Emitted on each EVM step (instruction execution)
  step: (data: InterpreterStep, next?: () => void) => void

The InterpreterStep Object

The step event handler receives a detailed InterpreterStep object with the following properties:

interface InterpreterStep {
  // Program counter - current position in the bytecode
  pc: number
  // Current opcode information
  opcode: {
    name: string        // Opcode name (e.g., 'SSTORE', 'CALL')
    fee: number         // Base gas fee of the opcode
    dynamicFee?: bigint // Additional dynamic gas fee (if applicable)
    isAsync: boolean    // Whether opcode is asynchronous
  // Gas information
  gasLeft: bigint    // Remaining gas
  gasRefund: bigint  // Gas refund accumulator
  // EVM state
  stateManager: StateManager  // Reference to the StateManager instance
  stack: Uint8Array[]         // Current EVM stack contents
  returnStack: bigint[]       // Return stack for RETURNSUB operations
  // Account information
  account: Account    // Account which owns the code running
  address: Address    // Address of the current account
  // Execution context
  depth: number       // Current call depth (starts at 0 for top-level call)
  memory: Uint8Array  // Current EVM memory contents
  memoryWordCount: bigint  // Current size of memory in words (32 bytes)
  codeAddress: Address     // Address of the code being executed
                          // (differs from address in DELEGATECALL/CALLCODE)


  • Address is Tevm's address type (from tevm/address)
  • StateManager is the state manager interface (from tevm/state)
  • Account is Tevm's account representation

The NewContractEvent Object

The onNewContract event handler receives a NewContractEvent object with the following properties:

interface NewContractEvent {
  // Contract information
  address: Address      // Address of the newly created contract
  code: Uint8Array      // Deployed contract bytecode

The Message Object

The beforeMessage event handler receives a Message object with the following properties:

interface Message {
  // Call information
  to?: Address            // Target address (undefined for contract creation)
  value: bigint           // Value sent with the call (in wei)
  caller: Address         // Address of the account that initiated this call
  // Gas information
  gasLimit: bigint        // Gas limit for this call
  // Data and code
  data: Uint8Array        // Input data to the call
  code?: Uint8Array       // Contract code for the call
  codeAddress?: Address   // Address of contract code
  // Call type
  depth: number           // Call depth
  isStatic: boolean       // Whether the call is static (view)
  isCompiled: boolean     // Whether this is precompiled contract code
  delegatecall: boolean   // Whether this is a DELEGATECALL
  callcode: boolean       // Whether this is a CALLCODE
  // Other
  salt?: Uint8Array       // Salt for CREATE2 calls
  authcallOrigin?: Address // Origin address for AUTH calls

The EVMResult Object

The afterMessage event handler receives an EVMResult object with the following properties:

interface EVMResult {
  execResult: {
    // Return information
    returnValue: Uint8Array   // Return data from the call
    executionGasUsed: bigint  // Gas used in execution
    gasRefund?: bigint        // Gas refunded
    // Error information
    exceptionError?: {        // Error encountered during execution
      error: string           // Error type (e.g., 'revert', 'out of gas')
      errorType?: string      // Additional error type information
    // State
    logs?: Log[]              // Logs emitted during execution
    selfdestruct?: Record<string, true>  // Self-destructed addresses
    gas?: bigint              // Remaining gas
  // Other information
  gasUsed: bigint             // Total gas used (including intrinsic costs)
  createdAddress?: Address    // Address of created contract (if any)
  gasRefund?: bigint          // Total gas refunded

Using with tevmCall Family

The recommended way to access EVM events is through the tevmCall family of methods. Tevm offers two API styles for this:

Client-based API (batteries included)

import { createMemoryClient } from 'tevm'
import { encodeFunctionData } from 'viem'
const client = createMemoryClient()
// Listen for EVM steps and other events during execution
const result = await client.tevmCall({
  to: contractAddress,
  data: encodeFunctionData({
    functionName: 'myFunction',
    args: [arg1, arg2]
  // Listen for EVM steps
  onStep: (step, next) => {
    console.log('EVM Step:', {
      pc: step.pc,           // Program counter
      opcode: step.opcode,   // Current opcode
      gasLeft: step.gasLeft, // Remaining gas
      stack: step.stack,     // Stack contents
      depth: step.depth,     // Call depth
  // Listen for contract creation
  onNewContract: (data, next) => {
    console.log('New contract deployed:', {
      address: data.address.toString(),
      codeSize: data.code.length,
  // Listen for message execution
  onBeforeMessage: (message, next) => {
    console.log('Executing message:', {
      value: message.value.toString(),
      delegatecall: message.delegatecall,
  onAfterMessage: (result, next) => {
    console.log('Message result:', {
      gasUsed: result.execResult.executionGasUsed.toString(),
      returnValue: result.execResult.returnValue.toString('hex'),
      error: result.execResult.exceptionError?.error,

Tree-shakable API

import { tevmCall } from 'tevm/actions'
import { createClient, custom } from 'viem'
import { createTevmNode } from 'tevm/node'
import { requestEip1193 } from 'tevm/decorators'
import { encodeFunctionData } from 'viem'
// Create Tevm Node with EIP-1193 support
const node = createTevmNode().extend(requestEip1193())
// Create Viem client
const client = createClient({
  transport: custom(node),
// Listen for EVM steps and other events during execution
const result = await tevmCall(client, {
  to: contractAddress,
  data: encodeFunctionData({
    functionName: 'myFunction',
    args: [arg1, arg2]
  // Event handlers work the same way with both API styles
  onStep: (step, next) => {
    console.log('EVM Step:', {
      pc: step.pc,
      opcode: step.opcode,
      gasLeft: step.gasLeft,
      stack: step.stack,
      depth: step.depth,
  onNewContract: (data, next) => {
    console.log('New contract deployed:', {
      address: data.address.toString(),
      codeSize: data.code.length,
  onBeforeMessage: (message, next) => {
    console.log('Executing message:', {
      value: message.value.toString(),
      delegatecall: message.delegatecall,
  onAfterMessage: (result, next) => {
    console.log('Message result:', {
      gasUsed: result.execResult.executionGasUsed.toString(),
      returnValue: result.execResult.returnValue.toString('hex'),
      error: result.execResult.exceptionError?.error,

Advanced Examples


You can create a debug tracer to collect comprehensive execution data:

import { createMemoryClient } from 'tevm'
import { tevmCall } from 'tevm/actions'
const client = createMemoryClient()
// Create a debug tracer
const trace = {
  steps: [],
  contracts: new Set(),
  errors: [],
// Execute with tracing
const result = await tevmCall(client, {
  to: contractAddress,
  data: '0x...',
  // Track each EVM step
  onStep: (step, next) => {
      pc: step.pc,
      gasCost: step.opcode.fee,
      stack: => item.toString(16)),
  // Track contract creation
  onNewContract: (data, next) => {
  // Track errors
  onAfterMessage: (result, next) => {
    if (result.execResult.exceptionError) {
        error: result.execResult.exceptionError.error,
        returnData: result.execResult.returnValue.toString('hex'),
console.log('Execution trace:', {
  stepCount: trace.steps.length,
  contracts: Array.from(trace.contracts),
  errors: trace.errors,

Gas Profiling

Create a gas profiler to analyze opcode costs:

import { createMemoryClient } from 'tevm'
import { tevmCall } from 'tevm/actions'
const client = createMemoryClient()
// Create a gas profiler
const profile = {
  opcodes: new Map(),
  totalGas: 0n,
// Execute with profiling
const result = await tevmCall(client, {
  to: contractAddress,
  data: '0x...',
  onStep: (step, next) => {
    const opName =
    const gasCost = BigInt(step.opcode.fee)
    const stats = profile.opcodes.get(opName) || {
      count: 0,
      totalGas: 0n
    stats.totalGas += gasCost
    profile.totalGas += gasCost
    profile.opcodes.set(opName, stats)
// Get gas usage by opcode
for (const [opcode, stats] of profile.opcodes) {
  console.log(`${opcode}:`, {
    count: stats.count,
    totalGas: stats.totalGas.toString(),
    percentageOfTotal: Number(stats.totalGas * 100n / profile.totalGas),

Error Handling

Handle errors in execution:

import { createMemoryClient } from 'tevm'
import { tevmCall } from 'tevm/actions'
const client = createMemoryClient()
const result = await tevmCall(client, {
  to: contractAddress,
  data: '0x...',
  onAfterMessage: (result, next) => {
    if (result.execResult.exceptionError) {
      const error = result.execResult.exceptionError
      switch (error.error) {
        case 'out of gas':
          console.error('Transaction ran out of gas')
        case 'revert':
          console.error('Transaction reverted:',
        case 'invalid opcode':
          console.error('Invalid opcode encountered')
          console.error('Unknown error:', error)

Best Practices

  1. Always Call Next
    // Important: Call next to continue execution
    onStep: (step, next) => {
      // Process step...
  2. Handle Errors Gracefully
    onStep: (step, next) => {
      try {
        // Process step...
      } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error processing step:', error)
  3. Be Efficient
    // Focus on information you need
    onStep: (step, next) => {
      // Only log SSTORE operations
      if ( === 'SSTORE') {
        console.log('Storage write:', {
          key: step.stack[step.stack.length - 1].toString(16),
          value: step.stack[step.stack.length - 2].toString(16)

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