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tevmDeploy(client, params): Promise<DeployResult>

A tree-shakeable version of the tevmDeploy action for viem. Deploys a contract using TEVM.

This function deploys a contract by taking its ABI, bytecode, and constructor arguments. The deployed contract’s address is available in the result.createdAddress. Note that the contract is not actually in the state until the transaction is mined. In manual mode, you must call client.mine() before you can interact with the deployed contract.

As an alternative, the setAccount action can be used to directly put contract bytecode into the state without deploying it via a transaction.


client: Client<TevmTransport<string>, undefined | Chain, undefined | Account, undefined, undefined | object>

The viem client configured with TEVM transport.

params: DeployParams<boolean, Abi, true, readonly unknown[]>

Parameters for the contract deployment, including ABI, bytecode, and constructor arguments.



The result of the contract deployment, including the created contract address.


import { tevmDeploy } from 'tevm/actions'
import { createClient, http } from 'viem'
import { optimism } from 'tevm/common'
import { createTevmTransport } from 'tevm'
const client = createClient({
transport: createTevmTransport({
fork: { transport: http('')({}) }
chain: optimism,
async function example() {
const result = await tevmDeploy(client, {
abi: [...],
bytecode: '0x...',
args: ['constructorArg1', 123, ...],
// In manual mode, you must mine the transaction
await client.mine()
// Alternatively, you can get the contract address from the transaction receipt
const receipt = await client.getTransactionReceipt({ hash: result.transactionHash })
import { tevmDeploy } from 'tevm/actions'
import { createClient, http } from 'viem'
import { optimism } from 'tevm/common'
import { createTevmTransport } from 'tevm'
import { MyContract } from './MyContract.sol'
const client = createClient({
transport: createTevmTransport({
fork: { transport: http('')({}) }
chain: optimism,
async function example() {
const result = await tevmDeploy(client, MyContract.deploy('constructor arg'))
// In manual mode, you must mine the transaction
await client.mine()
// Alternatively, you can get the contract address from the transaction receipt
const receipt = await client.getTransactionReceipt({ hash: result.transactionHash })


Additionally, you can use the viem wallet action deploy as a viable alternative. While it doesn’t offer the same advanced functionality such as account impersonation or tracing capabilities, it works great for simple use cases.

Defined in
