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Contract action creators


The @tevm/contracts package is an optional api in tevm that makes interacting with tevm, viem, and wagmi simple. Contracts can be created in two ways:


In the following diff the added code shows how to dispatch a script action with a contract action creator. The removed code is both how you would do it without an action creator and also the returned value of the action creator.

- const scriptResult = await tevm.tevmContract({
- abi: HelloWorld.abi,
- functionName: 'greet',
- args: ['Vitalik'],
- deployedBytecode: HelloWorld.deployedBytecode
- });
+ const scriptResult = await tevm.tevmContract(
+ HelloWorld.script().read.greet('Vitalik')
+ );

Creating a contract with createContract

To create a contract instance pass in it’s human readable ABI and name into createContract. If creating a script you will also need to pass bytecode and deployedBytecode.

import { createContract} from 'tevm'
const contract = createContract({
// make sure you use as const!!!
humanReadableAbi: ['function exampleRead() returns (uint256)', ...] as const,

Contracts are created with humanReadableAbi but you can also use a JSON abi via the formatAbi utility utility or using the abi param with createContract. Make sure you as const the abi. The types will not work if the abi is imported from a json file.

import { createContract } from 'tevm'
const abi = [
] as const
const script = createContract({
name: 'MyScript',
bytecode: '0x123...',
deployedBytecode: '0x123...',

See the contract reference docs for more generated type information contracts.

Creating a contract with a solidity import

Tevm supports creating contracts via importing directly from the solidity file. This makes for very nice dx.

import { HelloWorld } from "../contracts/HelloWorld.sol";
const scriptResult = await tevm.tevmContract(


Addresses are optional on contracts. If you want your action creators to return addresses you must add the address to the contract in one of two ways

  1. Add address when calling createContract
const script = createContract({
abi: abi,
address: "0x...",
  1. Create a new contract from withAddress

If you already have a non addressed contract you can create an addressed one via withAddress utility. This is especially useful since contract imports do not come addressed.

import { HelloWorld } from "../contracts/HelloWorld.sol";
const contract = HelloWorld.withAddress(`0x...`);
  • withAddress will create a new contract and not modify the existing one.

Standard library

A standard library of contracts is exported from tevm/contract. All contracts include bytecode.

  • SimpleContract - A simple contract with only a getter and a setter
  • ERC20 - Open zeppelin ERC20 compiled with tevm
  • ERC721 - Open zeppelin ERC20 compiled with tevm

Deployless Scripts

A deployless script is a contract that doesn’t need to be deployed first. It self-deploys itself. Deployless scripts are supported by tevm actions like and MemoryClient.contract. They are also supported by viem methods like readContract.

Tevm contracts can be turned into deployless scripts via the script method. Unlike normal contracts scripts have a code property.

import { ERC20 } from "tevm/contracts";
const script = ERC20.script({
bytecode: "0x6....",
args: ["TokenName", "SYMBOL"],

Scripts will have a special code property that is the encoded bytecode to self deploy the contract. Now when using action creators you can supply the code. Viem and tevm will self deploy.

import { ERC20 } from "tevm/contracts";
const script = ERC20.script({
bytecode: "0x6....",
args: ["TokenName", "SYMBOL"],
// can be used with memory client
memoryClient.contract(; // TokenName
// can also be used with viem
publicClient.readContract(; // TokenName

Warning about scripts and addresses.

You can also add an address to scripts. Tevm will respect the address property and self deploy to the specified address. This may cause wierd behavior with viem however as not all RPCs support this.