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TevmNode api



TevmNode supports much of the ethereum, debug, anvil, and hardhat JSON-RPC apis. There are two ways to use this api

  1. Treeshakable procedures
  2. EIP-1193 provider

Using Treeshakable prodedures and actions

Tree shakable procedures can be imported form the tevm/actions package. All procedures take a TevmClient as a param and return a handler.

import {createTevmNode} from 'tevm'
import {ethCallProcedure, EthCallJsonRpcRequest} from 'tevm/actions'
const node = createTevmNode()
const call = ethCallProcedure(node)
const request: EthCallJsonRpcRequest = {
params: [{data: '0x2342...'}],
jsonrpc: '2.0',
id: 1,
method: 'eth_call'
const res = await call(request)

Most JSON-RPC procedures have more ergonomic apis called “Actions” as well that can be used as an alternative. Actions have benifit of

  • less verbose
  • uses normal data structures like bigint rather than encoded hex string
  • sometimes more typesafe
import {createTevmNode} from 'tevm'
import {ethCallHandler} from 'tevm/actions'
const node = createTevmNode()
const call = ethCallHandler(node)
const res = await call({
data: '0x234234...'
}) // 0n

Adding EIP-1193 Provider

TevmNode can become an EIP-1193 Provider using requestEip1193 decorator from tevm/decorators package.

import { createTevmNode } from "tevm/node";
import { requestEip1193 } from "tevm/decorators";
const tevm = createTevmNode().extend(requestEip1193());
const blockNumber = await tevm.request({ method: "eth_getBlockNumber" });

See json-rpc api for which methods are supported.

Similarly tevm can also be extended with the actions api.

import { createTevmNode } from "tevm/node";
import { ethActions, tevmActions } from "tevm/decorators";
const tevm = createTevmNode().extend(ethActions()).extend(tevmActions());
await tevm.eth.blockNumber()
await tevm.contract({
functionName: 'balanceOf',
args: ['0x....'],
address: '0x....',