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Why Tevm

Why Tevm

Tevm fills the tooling gap missing for the intersection of the EVM, JavaScript, and the browser.

Tevm in context

EVM tooling has seen a renesance. viem, wagmi, and abitype raised the bar for how lightweight and typesafe EVM tooling can be. Tools like MUD, Ponder, and ThirdWeb continue to raise the bar on how productive and robust EVM TypeScript applications can be.

So what is still missing? Tevm identified two major items:

  1. Low level EVM tooling. Unlike other ecosystems like Rust and Golang there are no typesafe powerful low level EVM utilities for running a node or executing bytecode in JavaScript.
  2. Contract bundling. Though there have been attempts to bundle abis into TypeScript, no fully built out typesafe solution has been built. This is a basic expectation for other tools such as CSS and graphql.

Next we will go over common use cases which will demonstrate how these restrictions hurt user experience and how Tevm solves it.